Monday, June 27, 2011

Such Frustration

I have been crocheting three different projects. You see, when I have a problem with one, I begin another one. But never more than 3 at a time. Does anyone else do this? So, currently I am working on a shawl, an afghan and a tissue box cover. I am totally stuck on the shawl, which I'm dying to work on, I have to rip out the whole afghan (I am/was more than 1/3 done with it and now have to rip it ), and last night, I was done with the first part of the tissue box cover, and had to rip the whole thing out. I have no idea what my problem is with the shawl. I love the pattern but it's not working out the way it is supposed to ...and I even spent 2 hours with a shop owner in Kingston, NY, trying to figure out the pattern. No luck.

The problem with the afghan is I should have counted my stitches! Somehow I was decreasing and should not have been. The problem with the tissue box cover is that it is too big...I didn't check my gauge...teaches me, eh! LOL

So, today I may have time, but not much, to begin with the tissue box cover. But, I have housework to do, have to wait till the dh wakes up, and then have to get ready to go to a graduation party for my little cousin who is growing up so beautifully! She just graduated from High School.

In honor of my frustration, I am posting a link to a blog that looks interesting. This one is for crocheters! The name of the blog is Crocheting with Raymond and it is written by a Bristish woman, so beware that the instructions are in British English!!!
I cannot wait to try my hand at one of her Mandala Granny Squares!!! Let me know what you think!

Let's see, I think we are due for another recipe too...hmmm...what shall I share with you?

Dressed Up Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Submitted by: lcmcallister

The addition of macadamia nuts and cherry pieces are what dress up these
Chocolate oatmeal cookies so well.


2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1 stick margarine
1 tablespoon cocoa
Pinch of salt
3 cups uncooked oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup macadamia nuts, chopped
1/4 cup chopped maraschino cherries, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla


In a large sauce pan, combine sugar, milk, margarine, cocoa and salt.
Bring to a boil over medium high heat for two minutes. Take off heat
then add remaining ingredients and mix well. Line a large cookie sheet
with wax paper. Drop cookie mixture by teaspoon on wax paper and let
set until firm.

Serves:  36

Notes: I have not tried these cookies, but they sound like something I could use after a sleepless night! Wish I had these in the house. I apologize to lcmcallister for not including the name and url of the website where he/she originally posted this recipe, but I did not make note of it when I copied it.  I found this copy in my dbase of recipes. ~Marilyn Sultar

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